As layoffs continues and businesses scale back, more and more people are finding themselves out of a job. Here are some tips in case you are out of work. Consider filing to modify your support obligation, and do it soon. Your order cannot be modified retroactively, when you are facing a contempt hearing or have a huge arrearage, it may be too late. If you are out of work, you need to be doing everything you can to find new employment, even outside of your field. It is also wise to keep excellent records of contacts made, resumes sent out, and interviews offered, in case the other party claims you are impoverishing yourself. I have found that many judges are sensitive to this issue and understand the current economic difficulties that people are facing, but be ready to back up your claims. It is stressful enough when you have a family law issue pending, being out of work makes it even more difficult. Got any job search tips, please share below!