From Lowering the Bar, a Pennsylvania man is charged in connection with a listening device he place under his wife's bed. His excuse was that he wanted to know if his wife was having sex with her boyfriend, so he would now when he could return. Not surprisingly, the excuse was no good.
If you follow legal news, you will know that this sort of thing happens fairly frequently. We have cheap and easy technology to spy on people in various ways......that doesn't mean it legal or advisable to do so! Finally, I will reluctantly admit that I hail from the same county as this unfortunate man. Here's hoping my countrymen will be a bit wiser in the future.
I would like to appreciate the fact that the blogger has clarified everything at the beginning for the readers to know their limit.
Posted by: Jacqueline Cooke | October 16, 2012 at 01:07 PM
lol wiretapping under that circumstance really is going beyond the line. even if your wife is cheating and having phonesex that is still something that doesnt abide the law.
Posted by: how to build muscle fast | November 05, 2012 at 03:26 AM